What is Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery (RBM)?
As a breath and body process, Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery emphasises a gentle, conscious, connected breath with awareness of body sensations. As a self-generated process, it activates an inner non-mundane experience that initiates expansive self-awareness. Within this non-linear space is the opportunity to reconstruct maps of the inner landscape, supporting the release and resolve of areas in life that no longer serve you, allowing limitless possibilities to create life intentionally, on purpose.
Acknowledging that our breath is intricately connected to our experience of life from conception, it holds within it memories, thoughts, emotions and feelings. From our earliest experiences in-utero, our birth, infancy and the first few years of life, unprocessed memories, thoughts, and emotions are stored deep within our unconscious, revealed in a restricted breath pattern. These unprocessed early experiences are also locked in the body, leaving an electromagnetic charge held as cellular memory.
Through the RBM journey, any suppressed experiences surface within the safety of the session, revealing limited beliefs, decisions and thoughts held within the unconscious. This expanded perception, along with breath and body awareness, allows the release, resolve and reprogramming by the conscious mind, creating permanent change. These changes occur at the cellular level, supporting a renewed way of being with self, others, and in the world.
As you begin to create a new relationship with your self, you begin to create trust. And in this trust, safety emerges. As we land in safety, we reclaim the freedom to experience life in a fullness that allows us to unconditionally participate in life, collaborating with the energy and aliveness in a conscious co-creation of life. This freedom is inherently within; the remembering begins with establishing trust and safety in the breath and body.
Within the RBM session, emphasis on setting meaningful intentions and breathing a fuller, longer, conscious, connected breath invokes processing on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Every session is unique. As you move towards your intentions with each breath cycle, experiences can be subtle or vigorous, can be strengthening and anchoring, or releasing, can create new reference points, can be integrating, and can be inspiring.
Each self-generated session moves you towards reconstructing present moment reality, where you are free to choose and create life, intentionally. Free to be in-action, rather than subliminally living in re-action. This is self-mastery. Fully and wholly embodied; empowered to live aligned with your authentic Self.