Hi, I’m Joanne
For as early as I can remember, I have been acutely perceptive, deeply curious, fulfilled by learning, and fascinated by the exploration of Self. And, at my core, I harboured a profound inner awareness that something was missing, a tenacious yearning to return to a felt sense of home. Exploring ancient philosophies and traditional healing practices, I have been in pursuit of the answer to “who am I, why am I here” in a mission that has spanned decades. This mission, propelled solely by mental aspiration for knowledge, manifested experiences that further separated me from my being. The seeking emanating from a persistent externalisation that sustained a hollowness, substantiating an enduring dissonance and cavernous emptiness. I reached exhaustion in this unyielding pursuit. Fear permeated my life, penetrating interstitial spaces of daily experience; panic frequently immobilised me. I was disorientated, confused, and afraid.
On the precipice of complete capitulation, Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery found me, in a kismet moment of sacred intervention. I began training for the International Certificate of Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery in July 2023 with Eleanor Mann, lineage holder of this breathwork practice and director of The School of Breathwork. RBM has effortlessly united me with my dharmic purpose.
The practice of honouring breath and body has guided a remembering of the enduring wisdom that dwells within me, within all beings. From my first session, it has been a pilgrimage of coming home, a landing in limitless belonging. Breath by gentle breath a fullness has re-emerged; an authentic aliveness grows. It has been an intimate healing journey as I have rewired patterns, established new beliefs about my self and the world, come back into my body, and begun living intentionally, creating life aligned in my truth.
In the alchemising of my deepening personal practice, with the thorough RBM training program and the integration of lived experiences I’ve created through this time, I embody an ineffable trust in life, and trust in your process.
I am passionate to support people in their journey towards living authentically, consciously, and masterfully, committed to create a space where each person feels seen, valued, and connected to their truth. I am enlivened by the possibilities created when we attune to our breath, our body, and pure potentiality.
I embrace a profound awe and reverence in witnessing this sacred practice transforming lives. It is an honour to support you in remembering your innate wholeness and completeness.